If you have visited our actual store in Kaikoura you would know how much we love Moana Road! we stock it ALL and loads of it! because.... the products are everything a kiwi loves for a kiwi lifestyle!
The cool people at Moana Road are always coming up with amazing ideas of new products with a Kiwiana twist. The latest in fashion accessories that will blow your mind! we are so proud to be selling you the best brand in NZ!
We decided its about time we put all of our Moana Road gear online to sell to New Zealand and the WORLD! Jade Kiwi is now your one stop shop for Moana Road and you will see it here first!!! I am not kidding.... and if we don't have it, we will quick smart get it! From the famous wooden bamboo arm sunnies to their stylish bags, tech and cool gifts with a quirky kiwiana twist!
Whats even better... we offer free shipping in NZ for all orders over $30 and we do tracked shipping worldwide!
We aim to give you the best online service and our personal guarantee that the products we sell will have you stoked you shopped with Jade Kiwi, Kaikoura and got on board the Moana Rd bandwagon!